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Market Research


Technical Research


Business Support


Technical Research

In A.I., Medical & Healthcare, FinTech, IoT & Engineering.


Market Research

Case Studies, Interviews, Focus Groups, Textual analysis & Surveys.


IP Research

Novelty Research, Clearance Searches & Infringement Research.

The NapShack

Micro-office & Sleep Capsule


Micro-highway for Electric cars

Burst Pipe Protection

Burst-pipe water control system

What kind of research do you do?

We have experience undertaking Technical Research, Market Research, Product Research and Intellectual Property Research in various sectors.

What sectors do you have experience with?

The sectors we have experience with include Consumer goods, Smart devices, CleanTech, MedTech, A.I. & ML, Robotics, Entrepreneurship and

How long does a typical research project take?

It very much depends on what the topic is, what the scope of the research is, and what the budget is. For example, a research exercise to looking at the determinants of  Juvenile delinquency with a budget of £20,000 is going to be vastly different from researching the top 50 Manufacturers of Bass Headsets in China with a £10,000 budget. Similarly, the two types of research will be vastly different from a Market research (e.g. Focus group exercise) finding out what people like and dislike about a new type of inhaler. This is just to give a few simple examples, that are not too technical.

How do you validate your results?

There are several ways of doing this, but essentially it entails a combination of using independent specialists in a particular area, peer reviews and published literature to verify our findings. However, sometimes the research exercise is a 'Pioneering Research', with no published similar exercise available. In such cases, we are careful to clearly state the limits and constraints of the exercise, and are transparent to the commissioning body/ client in outlining how the exercise can be independently replicated. In all our research, validation requires the permission of the commissioning organisation that we can share our findings with certain third parties.
